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About Drone Study Group

What is the Drone Study Group?

This circle is an unofficial university circle established in 2023. We are planning to work towards becoming an official circle. Currently, the use of drones on campus is not permitted, so it is expected that the activities will mainly be outside the university. This circle has just been established and is currently in the organizational building stage, so we are not accepting new applications. note that. At this time, new recruitment is expected around the fall of 2023.

​ circle purpose

Divided into a photography department and a technical department, the aim is to improve drone operation, especially for beginners. We also aim to become an official circle.

​Regarding membership fees (currently being adjusted)

​We plan to set up membership fees to promote circle activities. Details will be posted as soon as they are decided.

Membership fee: 3,000 yen (planned)

​Use: purchase and repair of equipment, miscellaneous expenses for public relations, etc.


​ being adjusted

Main activities

under adjustment


・HS700 ×1

・HS700E ×1

・HS700D ×3



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